Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Beginning

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow mindedness." -Mark Twain

I have been tossing around the idea of starting a blog for quite some time.  (Is that how nearly every new blog begins?)  Finding my theme, my voice, my writing vision- however- proved to be a more complex task than I had anticipated. So, like many other lost (or postponed!) opportunities, instead of starting a blog I just thought about starting a blog.

Life has handed me an impetus. 

As I begin to prepare for this grand opportunity for travel (definitely), learning (certainly), friendship (hopefully), and experience (undoubtedly), chronicling my journey has become somewhat of a calling. I have been given this gift of a chance, and want to ensure that I absorb every meaningful moment.  What better medium to use than the written word?  After all, my life has been spent in the study, teaching and enjoyment of words.

Two weeks from today I leave my family and fly to the first of many destinations.  I will live outside my comfort zone for three weeks to study the greatest humanitarian tragedy the world has ever seen- the Holocaust.  Washington D.C.  Israel. Germany. Poland. The end result? A better teacher, mother, human being.

I can't wait.   

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